
CEPID Redoxoma

RIDC Redoxoma

Empresas parceiras

Partner companies

Partner companies and projects

(updated on Jun 2024)
Company nameContact personProjectStatus
AchéMaria de Fátima RosenoAche Solares innovation project.Confidentially agreement signed.
Beiersdorf/Bayer (USA)Eduardo RuvoloInvestigate mechanisms of sun protection in the visible range of the sun spectraAgreement being negotiated between USP and Beiersdorf/Bayer
BoticárioGabriela de Oliveira Santos Test performance of their bio-ester platform. ~US 20KConfidentiality agreement signed. Research agreement in final stages of negotiation.
CH5Marisa H. Gennari de MedeirosDevelopment of analytical technique based on micro HPLC coupled to electrospray ionization mass spectrometry and analysis by multiple reaction monitoring to allow for the ultra-sensitive detection of lesions formed in human tissues after redox stress.Partnership finished on May, 2017.
ChemyunionMaurício da S. BaptistaDevelopment of strategies to protect hair against exposition to visible light.Partnership finished in 2019.
CriarAlexandra BazitoDevelopment of anti-aging eye drops based in the inhibition of lipofuscin accumulation in retina cells. FUSP project 3025. ~US 10K. Company is in the search for investors to fund a research agreement with lab work.Finalized. Company is preparing a new proposal of research contract. Research director is finalizing professional master dissertation under MS Baptista guidance. PIPE is under preparation.
FarmaService/AQIANestor Pinto NetoDevelopment of novel performance testing for bio-extracts. FUSP project 1874. ~US 20K/yearOn-going. Several testing was performed helping in the launching of new 2 products. Dissertation of D. Bornea, defended in July 2021, was partially funded by FarmaService.
Foresee Pharmaceuticals Co., Ltd., Taipei, TaiwanJulio FerreiraTest the efficacy of ALDH2 activation compounds (A and B) in a model of neurogenic myopathy. ~ US 60 KOn-going. Several drug candidates were identified.
Hospital 9 de JulhoMaurício da S. BaptistaThe Agreement on Scientific and Cultural Collaboration between CEPID Redoxoma and Longevity Center of the Hospital Nove de Julho to help people age in better health and improved quality of life. With the participation of a multidisciplinary team of experts, this center offers, in addition to consultations and examinations, a program of physical and social activities for people from the age of 50, bringing scientific information and news to health professionals and final users through seminars.The program finished in 2015.
Hospital AnchietaJoão Paulo TardivoDiabetic Foot treated by Photodynamic Therapy (PDT). The new technology is being offered as a free-of-charge service to low-income patients at Hospital Anchieta.Trial under way to test thermography in the diagnosis of the diabetic foot and the treatment of onychomycosis (Tardivo et al, 2015). Our PDT plataform is attracting companies that are working in partnership with CEPID Rexoma to implement their innovation strategy, including Ethik Technology and BioLambad.
InvestigaSamuel GuerraDevelopment of assays for quantifying protection against blue light.Preparing confidentially agreement and portfolio of research projects.
Johnson & JohnsonMaurício da S. BaptistaRedoxoma's team had the goal of measuring protecting efficiencies of their sun screen formulations against visible light, as well as, comparing with the melanin nanosilica developed by our project (BR 10 2016 024262-2).Partnership finished in 2018.
LubrasilAna Maria da Costa FerreiraConstruction of a reactor for the treatment of industrial effluents with AOP that purifies and recycles water of contaminants.The reactor is already in use in a petrochemical company re-refining of lubricating oils (Lubrasil Lubrificantes Ltda), and is patented by USP (BR 10 2016 014409-4, INPI/SP, 17/06/2016)
MedcinSergio SchalkaDevelopment of novel testing for the effect of visible light in skin. FUSP project 3025. ~US 15K/year for consulting fees. A new research agreement was signed in 2021 to allow lab work at USP. ~60K.On-going and expanding. We defined the concept of the Skin Redoxome in an article published at the JEADV. Several methods are being developed. Preparing joint application for master Dissertation at MAI/DAI (CNPq).
NaturaJuliana LagoSigned FUSP agreement research in redox biology (US 10K).Finalized. Reported the comparison of two anti-oxidant ingredient mixtures used by the company in their final cosmetic products.
Neurodegenerative Disease Research Inc.Sayuri MiyamotoLipidomic analysis of adipose tissue in ALS. Grant NDR/IQ (FUSP Project No 3673; RUSP US$ 80.000On-going. Several new methods were developed, and two manuscripts are under preparation.
Retrotope (California, USA)Mikhail S. ShchepinovFunding a post-doctoral fellowship. Finding the mechanisms of membrane protection by deuterated PUFA lipids. ~ US 25K/yearFinalized with joint publication (Firsov et al JPPB 2022) and two other articles are being prepared.